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“Are You OK?”

It’s a question that comes up in countless conversations, a casual inquiry often asked without a second thought. Yet, sometimes, the answer is far from simple. The reality is that there are times when we are genuinely not OK, when the weight of our struggles feels too heavy to bear alone. We know we need support, but finding the right source of help can feel overwhelming, confusing, and sometimes even scary, leaving us in a continual state of pain and uncertainty about where to turn.

Drawing on his personal journey, Mark Gogolewski has written a comprehensive guide for high-achieving men who are grappling with addiction or a profound spiritual void. Through his insights and experiences, he offers a guide that empowers men to confront their struggles, find clarity, and rebuild a sense of purpose in their lives.


Authentic healing journey for men and those who support them.

“I highly recommend this book to men seeking a path to healing and to anyone wanting to better understand the emotional struggles and growth of men on this journey.”

—Rose McGuire, Therapist

Mark’s work is timely in practicing kindness towards yourself.

“For men ready, Mark’s work is timely in practicing kindness towards yourself in order to be a more kind partner, parent, and professional.”

— Kristi Trader, Founder of EmbodyKind

A reminder that even the strongest among us face challenges.

“The honesty Mark shares in his journey is truly inspiring. It’s a reminder that even the strongest among us face challenges. Life’s ups and downs don’t define us—how we navigate them does, and Mark has shown incredible strength.”

— Sanjiv Kumar, Senior Director of Engineering at Intel Corporation

It hit some good nerves with me, going through divorce…and finding joy again.

“Ran across Mark’s book trolling on LinkedIn and just finished it. It hit some good nerves with me, going through divorce, forgiveness, and finding joy again. I will probably send the book to my son, who is facing his own struggles with addiction and is trying to find his way into manhood.”

— Anonymous Reader

Praise for “How To Be OK”

“I’ve interviewed many of the most influential men in America and around the world, and what stands out is the story behind their success. Beneath the surface, many have traded inner peace for outer achievements—and it shows. My friend Mark Gogolewski knows this journey firsthand. He’s lived it, lost it, and discovered a path to profound spiritual fulfillment. Every man needs to read this book.”

— Dave Rubin, The Rubin Report

“Millions of men are living lives of quiet desperation. By some measures, it’s never been easier to be a man, yet the rates of male depression, addiction, and suicide suggest otherwise. The modern era is replete with paradoxes. Men are simultaneously told to ‘man up’ and ‘man down.’ To be emotionally vulnerable yet stoic. To protect, provide, and sacrifice, but not to expect authority, respect, or even kindness in return. Mark has experienced both great victories and painful defeats firsthand. In this insightful book, he provides a straight-talking yet compassionate framework for men battling inner and outer demons.”

— Zuby, Author, Rapper and Podcast Host

“The current culture blames men for not only their own troubles, but for everyone else’s, too. So, it’s no surprise that we see men struggling with addiction, loneliness, and despair. But as men, we have the ability to dig deep, face our demons, and come out transformed. And it’s easier with help. In this book, Mark tells his story and gives the advice and guidance that men need. Because Mark’s been there. He knows.”

— Jason Andrews, Hypnotist and Coach

“Spirituality for men, by men, is completely missing from our culture. Instead we have shame. Mark Gogolewski takes a great stride on the journey to fix that, with his new book. It’s for every man searching for answers but doesn’t know the question.”

— Zeeshan Hoodbhoy, MD

“Spirituality is for everyone, and it looks different for everyone, including men who have achieved business success at incredible personal costs. Often, attachment issues from childhood together with addictions developed later in life can hide or mask the true man. He knows this. He is looking for an authentic path to inner truth without self-deceit. Mark Gogolewski's book is the way.”

— Dr. Danielle Delaney, Th.D., President/Founder/CEO, Danielle Delaney Counseling, Inc. and Crisis Intervention Counselor